Monthly Archives: March 2020

Regenerating Tire Tread


Goodyear has unveiled their latest concept car tire featuring tread capable of regenerating itself. The recharge tyre has a biodegradable tread that can regenerate thanks to a special liquid compound made from a biological material and reinforced with fibers inspired by spider silk.

When the tire needs recharging, drivers can insert a new capsule containing this liquid compound into the centre of the wheel. depending on the their location, vehicle, what season they are driving in and how long their journey is, the tire will then regenerate itself accordingly. Thanks to artificial intelligence a driver profile would be created around which the liquid compound would be customized, generating a compound blend tailored to each individual driver and their style of driving.


Radically simplifying the process of replacing your tires with rechargeable capsules, the tread would be supported by a light-weight, non-pneumatic frame and tall-and-narrow shape. this is a thin, robust low-maintenance construction that would eliminate the need for pressure maintenance or downtime related to punctures.  Sounds like this tire concept is only available for future EV cars for now.