Category Archives: Car Buying

SheCar a new way to buy cars

Have you checked out SheCar Yet? I did while back. I had heard about it online awhile back from a Forbes article.  I happened to have a friend that was car shopping and asking me for some car input regarding what car she should get etc.  So I did some online searching.  Then I remembered the article I had read a while back at the time I had followed them on social media as well.  And you know how these days you think about something and then almost magically like google and Instagram are reading your thoughts they show up in your feed.  And SheCar popped up in my Instagram feed and they were doing a giveaway.  So I entered and low and a behold a few weeks later I was notified I was a winner.  Well after getting on the phone with Athena to thank her for the gifts she had sent.  I told her about my friend and her needs and she gave me a very thorough explanation and demo of their services.

The way SheCar works is you contact SheCar and they provide an online demo of the service and how it works. You are given a log in to access an Automobile Auction portal site.  You can then select the area of the country that is closest to you.  And then you put in the type of car and features your looking for.  Then the site pulls up a search of vehicles that are available and you can review photos and notes about the vehicle that consists of any extras or damage the car might have etc.  Here is a nice graphic showing how it works.




So if you’re wondering how does SheCar make any money well I will tell you because I was wondering that too.  In Step 2. Athena itemizes her fee into the cost for you.  So you know exactly what SheCar is charging and it is very fare.  And if you happen to be experiencing hardship, SheCar and her newly formed non-profit organization, SheCare, Inc. which exists to provide women who are emerging from hardship with reliable and safe vehicles. Together the two organizations serve to provide women and men with honest, transparent, and truthful information about the cost and condition of cars.

SheCar® is a woman-owned and operated online car dealership created to help women and men trust – even love – their car-buying experience. Click on over and give it a try I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised like I was at how easy it is.   Book a Demo here